Sight of men using walls to relieve themselves is still ubiquitous in our country. To add to this, these men hardly use public toilets that have been built exclusively for them across the city. But what about the women folk who lack the luxury of these toilets? While men feel free to answer nature's call wherever they feel like, this is not the case with women. Most of the times they have to hold themselves until they find a mall, a cafe or reach their house before they answer the nature’s call. The shocking video tries to highlight a girl’s plight when she wants to attend to the same in public. In the video, the men who are peeing in public, are left embarrassed and shocked with them even decamping from the site. In the video, a girl asks numerous people for a place to pee, and the answer that she gets in return is that there are no public toilets in the vicinity. People give her various options from doing it on the road, behind a car, in the bushes, to travelling to a large distance by cab to a toilet or to doing it in the sea.
According to World Health Organisation (WHO) report 2014, around 638 million people in India live without toilets. The most affected are women and girls leaving them vulnerable to crimes when they go out in the open to answer nature’s call. A woman on an average holds her bladder for up to 13 hours for lack of toilets, according to WHO. More people in India have mobile phones than toilets, the WHO report says. The BBC reports that in India about 11,000 women could have escaped rape last year had there been toilets in their homes.
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