Note-This post is created to assist you get facebook account hacker for free !!
You only have to complete a simple survey so we avoid bot-downloaders.We upload the files on an official site named to make sure that the download will be safe. When you click the download links you will be redirected to to complete a free survey and afterwards the downloading will begin.
In addition with your download you get a chance to win some great rewards! Select the survey you prefer and complete it totally free with your email or with you phone number.
Just make sure you fill in the correct one because you will receive a verification code to complete
the process. Clear your browser cookies. Use honest and accurate information.
Do not use Proxies.
Now you are ready to download facebook account hacker for FREE !


  1. thanx..... works for me dude

  2. thanks this works fine on my windows
    but limited number of options we have
    otherwise nice

