Hello Guys! Many of us heard about rooting your phone in many blogs,websites,social network and forums.But never understand what is it?Today,I am going to tell about what is rooting and how it works.Firstly I want tell you what rooting is?And why peoples root their phones.Rooting word will generally use here for Android(in my case).You can root any phone but what you need is tools for them.
What is Rooting?
Rooting is a process of allowing user of phone to get an special access to the phone known as Superuser.It is generally related to phones,tablets and everything that is running on Android OS.Rooting is something similar to run as administrator in windows and sudo command in linux. With a rooted phone you can run game that was not running in your phone reason may be due to low hardware requirement or you can install a new custom ROM into your Android phone.
Why to do Root your phone
Android is most popular and flexible OS in the market which comes with lot Of features.I will give you so many reasons to root your Android phone.You just have to decide if it use full to Root Or not?I want tell you to follow proper instructions for Rooting your android phone.
The main advantage of Rooting your Android is to install custom ROM in it.Custom ROM are modified non-official versions of Android provided by forum or website users or developers.Custom ROM can just the way your Android looks and its performance too.
Rooting your phone allow you to change the looks of your Phone but it also improve the speed and battery of your Android phone.Rooting your phone allow you to get a SU(Superuser) access to your phone through which you can just uninstall the battery eating process and software.Titanium Backup not just make backups but also allow you to stop unnecessary apps.
Base band is responsible for radio signals in your Phones.After rooting the device you can update the Base band of your phone to improve the call and signal quality of your phone.
Rooting your phone would add some cool features like installing apps that need SU permission for installation.Open VPN,Avast Firewall and many other apps need root access to install to your phone.Rooting gives you independence to do whatever you want but as Uncle Ben said in Spider Man Movie-With new power always come new responsibilities so you should also aware about the side effects of rooting your Android phones.
Many times,It has been seen users don’t follow proper instruction to root the Android so they got stuck in intermediate stage called brick.Brick can be two types one which can be recovered back and others are not.So beware that you follow proper instruction to root else your phone will become just a crap.
Rooting your android make it free from manufacture limits so it become more vulnerable to malicious apps and virus.Many of new user don’t understand the SU power and allow unknown apps to run SU permission which allows them to use full access and makes it crap.But this disadvantage can be fixed using Avast Firewall.
Rooting your android end your phone warranty.As in many cell phones company have a clause in their product clause that rooting will end the product warranty.But there are several method unrooting your phone so your phone companies will never know that you rooted your phone before.
In this article,I tried to tell you about what is Rooting and why you should root your phone.Rooting your phone includes many steps which i will tell you further articles.Till then you can decide if you really want to root your phone or not?. If you are running your android in low hardware configuration and not able to use the sexy features of android higher versions,If you want to play games in a efficient way and want your phone battery long last.Then rooting is perfect for your needs.Just root and enjoy.