And the reality is that despite what we might think, the WiFi connection is
The position of the Router :
- Place the Router in the area where you will connect more often and if you live in a house or apartment of more than one storey, the router located in an elevated and not on your desk or shelf below it.
- Router away from devices that may interfere as radios, cordless phones, cell phones, bluetooth devices, wireless game controllers, etc. .. and never forget to place a microwave because they are the worst for the WiFi signal.
- Removes obstacles that may stand between the router and the devices you will connect to the wireless internet such as closets, metal shelving, very coarse screens or other similar items
- You can try different locations of the router in your home to find an optimal point at which covers the largest area possible connectivity.
- If the distance is too much, you might as well buy a WiFi repeater that will help to enhance the coverage of wireless Internet (WiFi) so you can send the “cloud” coverage to the extent require. In MercadoLibre there are several interesting offers from these teams, but ultimately is not an option if you have no other knowledge that the configuration and management of these devices.
For shopping convenience, currently offering internet companies often sell routers already configured and ready to connect to the internet with some kind of basic security such that for consumers it easier to find the signal and connect from their laptops, cell phones or computers home, however, rarely factory settings incorporating routers is right here and tell you some tips that should apply in your router to improve performance and safety.
The following tips below will show you how you can change the settings of your router to improve the speed and quality of WiFi connection. To do this, the first step is to enter the “Control Panel” of your router , with just open your browser and type will be entering it, except in some special cases, you can also turn to write the word ” Home ” (plain) in your browser and hence the panel settings of your router opens.
Encryption type : If your router is configured to use WEP or TKIP encryption you can not get the high speeds of 802.11n protocol solution here is to change your encryption to WPA2 router.
Routers have 4 WiFi standards : a, b, g and n. Since the protocol only “n” is able to avoid bottlenecks in broadband connections. If your computer equipment or mobile devices are compatible, it is recommended that you use “n” in your router to connect to WiFi.
Interference Channel: The most optimal to transmit channels are 1, 7 and 13, with the 10 and 11 tend to be more saturated by signals from other wireless appliances. This parameter is also configurable in the vast majority of routers from the control panel.
Router Firmware: Like almost any electronic software, firmware is a “living” element and each manufacturer provides different versions of their software routers that can be downloaded from the website of the manufacturer. We recommend making a backup of your router configuration prior to applying the update.
The WiFi settings from your PC
Once you have placed the router in an ideal position and improved the basic factory settings in your router, now we will see how to configure the computer, which is where “bottlenecks” can also occur in connection with what you could experience a slow or even no connection.
In Windows, go to Control-Panel> Data Center and Sharing and click Change Adapter Settings . Right click on the WiFi adapter, select Properties and then click the button Configure . Depending on the controller and antenna, you will see more or fewer parameters in a manner similar to the illustration below window:
The configuration settings in the PC we most recommend are:
Transmit Power: HighPower Management: Maximum or Ruidoso
Joint Protection Mode: CTS
WMM: Enabled
Roaming Aggressiveness: Low (If you’re always at home)
802.11 Mode: Enabled
As with the firmware on your router, it is possible Update WiFi Adapter drivers periodically to increase performance and reliability of equipment. The most typical are the Intel Pro Wireless Drivers . And if you’re not sure, I recommend reviewing these Softonic tutorials on how you can update the drivers for your model laptop or computer.
In some particular cases, it is advisable to turn off Bluetooth on your computer to get a better WiFi connectivity, though not a sure thing. What it is, is that if you turn off the Bluetooth while you use WiFi,’re saving battery power in the event you have a laptop or tablet.
Another tip is to use Utility -WLAN Optimizer to disable the scanning of networks in the background and activate the “streaming” mode. Both operations ensure better speed internet through WiFi on your computer or laptop.
Safety First
It is also important to note that you can use to give your WiFi connection, someone else can be taking advantage of your connection to download or do improper things with your connection. And WiFi is that intruders are more than just youth accessing your connection by the lack of connection at home .. The best steps you can take are:
- Choosing to switch to WPA2 with AES encryption.
- Change Password Router brings Factory
- Limit the Use of assignable IP’s
- The latest Firmware Update
- Limit the use of IP’s with MAC Address Filtering.
These actions will stop the vast majority of “WiFi vampires” and you can be fully assured that you will have a more robust configuration and therefore better quality and speed of your internet. And if you know any other tricks, we invite in comments .
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